Lisa Thiel in Concert Sept 17th

Posted by sacreddream - August 14th, 2011

Lisa Thiel will be doing a short performance ( one set)  at the Tucson Area Wiccan Network’s ( TAWN)  annual

 Fall Fest Day, September 17th, 2011.

Fall Fest will include a psychic fair,  workshops, vendors and a public ritual for Autumn Equinox. 


TAWN is a non-profit organization that educates the public about the Wiccan and Pagan religions, their beliefs and traditions, and their commitment to the environment.  TAWN also has a community outreach program that includes a Community  foodbank and support to the local Veterans Hospital.

For more information please go to the TAWN  website and click on Fall Fest


Halloween Folk Art Gallery

Posted by sacreddream - August 9th, 2011

I just posted my new Halloween Folk Art Gallery(‘visionsofhalloween’ ) on my Imagekind site.     To go to Imagekind please click on the “Artwork” link which leads you to the Imagekind link/page. This is a collection of paintings that  I did in 2006 that capture  the spirit and magic of my vision of Halloween. Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays , and there was something about that particular year that seemed to bring out all the memories and images  that Ive had over a lifetime of  Halloweens, and enabled me to create this group of paintings.

October 12, 2011 Ive added a new series of Day of the Dead paintings to this gallery and they are all available on ImageKind –

Ah, Lammas!

Posted by sacreddream - August 3rd, 2011

The First Harvest  can be  a time of suprises and unexpected gifts. This little photo is of some pumpkins that sprouted in my back yard in Los Angeles from an old Jack O’ Lantern that was thrown out onto the ground, many years ago. I had intended it to go’ back to the earth’, never realizing it would gift me with three little baby pumpkins that following year. So in this time of gratitude I remember that we never know what will become of the seeds we plant , or what gifts can await us, resulting from even the simplest of acts .