Autumn Equinox

Posted by sacreddream - September 17th, 2011

Autumn Equinox – the Final Harvest
Theres alot to  be grateful for this year, first and foremost making it through another summer in Tucson. Summers here are a trial by fire, literally . As the monsoons come it is one big constant sweat lodge, that you either fight against or surrender to.  I learned many years ago surrender works best although it is hard to remember. However, the magnificent clouds, the smell of creosote in the rain ,the rainbows, and the brilliant green foliage and the desert flowers that come from the summer rains make it all worthwhile.
So now comes the time to take stock of what has been accomplished ,to separate the ‘ wheat from the chaff ‘ in our lives and in our psyches, and to give thanks for all the blessings in our lives. It has been a long standing dream of mine to have my art out and available in the world and having found the Imagekind site this year, it had finally come to fruition. I have also connected with the Global Chant group  here in Tucson and have had tremendous amount of  healing and inspiration by singing every week with a group of over a hundred people, chanting for the planet and for their own  enlightenment.
This October marks the fourth year of the passing of my Beloved soulmate and Lifepartner, Eugene, and I  am grateful for  the deep healing that has taken place and the strengthening of my soul that has occurred on this long dark journey . I am now painting a series of  Dia de los Muertos images, to commemorate and creatively express this experience, not in a mournful way, but in a way that captures my spiritual perceptions of the afterlife and of the great mystery that awaits us  all on the other side.  So I am grateful for the inspiration and the opportunity to paint, and when the time is right perhaps there will be more music in my future.

Lisa Thiel in Concert Oct 15th

Posted by sacreddream - September 1st, 2011

Lisa Thiel will be performing
at the Annual
Saturday, October 15, 2011!
Glendale Community College
6000 W Olive Ave
Glendale, AZ 85302