Posted by sacreddream - October 31st, 2011
I always celebrate the true Samhain on the new and full moon in the month of scorpio. I also celebrate all souls day ( Day of the Dead )on Nov 2 and again when we have our amazing DOTD annual celebration here in Tucson ( this years its Nov. 6th )So ive begun a several week period of honoring the sacred mystery, what lies beyond, those who have crossed over, my ancestors, and the deeper unseen aspect of life. Halloween, on the other hand to me is a secular holiday that is all about fun and I thoroughly enjoy that as well. This is the time when I go deep and am renewed . I feel the connection with my soul and can have amazing healing and informative dreams . This season sets up the new cycle for the coming year and as I reach a new level of awareness it is reflected in the years progression. I wish the same for all those who seek it , a wonderfully transformative and empowering time when we can discover our true selves, beyond the masks .
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Posted by sacreddream - October 23rd, 2011
Phoenix Pagan Pride Day was a blast . It was wonderful to see old fans and the new generation of Goddess worshippers singing and dancing to my music and now teaching it to very young children. The very fact that these people have an organized place to go and be with others of like mind was very beautiful and inspiring. My sister was selling her Silpada jewelry ( contact me if you are interested :0) and we shared a very lovely day with lots of great performers and wonderful wares.
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Posted by sacreddream - October 3rd, 2011
At the
Affairs of the Art
Cat Mt Station
2740 S. Kinney Rd ste#3
Tucson, Az 85735
(one mile north of Ajo)
520 578-3638
Oct 27th- N0v 3rd 20 1 1
Lisa Thiel has been deeply moved by the Dia de los Muertos art, especially by the playful loving way in which death and our dearly departed are portrayed, and by the comfort , familiarity and acceptance that these images bring . Drawing from her own experiences she has created a series of paintings intended to heal ,inspire and offer an insightful glimpse into the spirit world.
Lisa will be at the gallery Oct 30th from 10 am-2pm
* all of the images in this series now available through imagekind*
click on {artwork} page for more info
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