Candlemas Song© 1988 Lisa Thiel
Birgitta, Birgitta Priestess of the Flame
Birgitta Birgita ,Goddess of the Flame
Awaken the Flame within my being
Awaken the Sacred fire within my being
Angels Of Healing© 1986 Lisa Thiel
Blessed angels come be with me ,heal my spirit mind and body
Blessed angels come be with me ,heal my spirit mind and body
Blessed Angels of green and gold, heal my heart and heal my soul
Blessed Angels of violet and blue ,open my eyes to the vision of truth
Calling Of the Angels© 1984 Lisa Thiel
Angel Michael, Angel Gabriel, Angel Raphael ,Angel Ariel
O thou teachers of the light, help us in our earthly plight
Open up our other sight ,O thou teachers of the light
Fill Us With Thy Love ©1984 Lisa Thiel
Fill us with thy love ,fill us with thy light (3x)
Make us strong make us fearless, (3x)
1(Let all our power be the power of Love
2)Let all our acts be in devotion to thee
3)Let all our being be filled with thy grace
Mother Of All that is Alive ©1990 Lisa Thiel
Mother of stars Mother of galaxies
Mother of all that is alive
Mother of mountains Mother of rivers
Mother of all that is alive
O your children are remembering slowly to honor all that is alive
O your children are remembering slowly the oneness of all that is alive
Mother of the Winged ,Ones Mother of the animals
Mother of the beings of the sea
Mother of Winds, Mother of grasses
Mother of the rains and of the trees
O help us your children to remember to honor all that is alive
O help us your children to remember the oneness of all that is alive
Mother of infants Mother of the aged . Mother of all that is alive
Mother of dreams Mother of wonders Mother of the Great Wheel of Time
( refrain)
Mother of stars Mother of Galaxies Mother of all that is alive
Mother of Dreams. Mother of Wonders, Mother of the Great Wheel of Time
Star Maiden © 1990 Lisa Thiel
As I look into the great night sky I see the Star Maiden waiting
Among the many worlds she stands and she always gently beckons
For me to look among the heavens and remember my beginnings there
She calls me to return in dreams and to follow the path of the Bear
For the sky is like a lover to whom you always belonged,
whose eyes hold all the secrets for which you’ve always longed ,
And so I take the Star Maiden’s hand and fly among the stars
And meet my ancient relations there in the dreamtime where they all are
Eternally keeping the light and the wisdom of all time
And my soul drinks from their shining waters that heal my heart and mind
Spirit of the Wind © 1990 Lisa Thiel
Spirit of the Wind that dances through the trees
Spirit of the Wind in every branch and leaf
Spirit of the Wind who teaches me to see
Spirit of the Wind I sing this song for thee
Bringer of wisdom ,bringer of light ,
Bringer of the blessed souls in flight
Bringer of the grace of the eternal flow
Spirit of the wind that travels through my soul
Spirit of the wind that purifies my soul
Spirit of the wind that dances through the trees…..
Bringer of visions Bringer of dreams
Bringer to the doorway of the worlds unseen
Bringer of the splendor that subdues all foes
Spirit of the wind that travels through my soul
Spirit of the wind that purifies my soul
Mother of All Things© 1984 Lisa Thiel
Refrain: Oh Mother ,Mother ,Mother of all things (4x)
1)Oh Mother ,Mother let peace be with us
( balance ,strength, love, wisdom, vision be with us..)
In Peace and Beauty © 1984 Lisa Thiel
( inspired by Navajo Prayers)
In peace and beauty may I walk, In peace and beauty wander the heavens
In peace and beauty may I walk, In peace and beauty wander the earth
In peace, in peace may I wander , with beauty, beauty, may I wander
Lotus Goddess© 1986 Lisa Thiel
Lotus Goddess, Lotus Goddess, Lotus Goddess, Lotus Goddess
1)Playing the Divine music singing the song of creation
Lotus Goddess…….
2)Singing to the light of a thousand suns, singing the songs of the Blessed Ones, Lotus Goddess….
3) Light of the spirit surrounds you in a waterfall of radiance
Lotus Goddess…..
Amitabha Mantra
Tibetan mantra , music © 1986 Lisa Thiel
Om Ami Dewa Hri
Om Mani Peme Hung
Tibetan mantra , music (c)2013 Lisa Thiel
Blue Medicine Buddha Mantra
Tibetan mantra , music © 2013 Lisa Thiel
Tayatha Om Bhey Khandze Bhey Khandze Maha Bhey Khandze
Bhey Khandze, Radza Samu Gate Soha