Invocation, 2002 Lisa Thiel

I call upon Powers of East and Air and all of the energies pure and fair

Powers of wisdom and clarity, Powers of the winged ones and of Faerie

Powers of thought and of the mind, ideas that inspire human kind

Power of hope and the eternal dawn, Power to begin anew and continue on

Powers of the Air, be with us this night, bring your blessing to this Rite

I turn now to the Quarter of South, and the Flame that comes from the Dragon’s Mouth

Creativity, action, desire, I call upon the Powers of Fire

Power of passion and of the heart, Power of poetry, music and Art

Power of the serpent flame ascending, Power of the flame of the soul unending

Powers of Fire, be with us this night, bring your blessing to this Rite

I turn now to the Quarter of West, and the place where the sacred Waters rest

Power of Ocean, Power of Flow, Power to see and Power to know

Powers of Rivers and of Streams, Power of visions and of Dreams

Powers of cleansing and of healing, Power of being and of feeling

Powers of the Waters be with us this night, bring your blessings to this Rite

I turn now to the Quarter of North, and call the energies of Earth to come forth

Power of crystal, mountain and stone, Power of stability, foundation and bone

Power to manifest and to attain, Powers on the physical plane

Power of abundance and prosperity, Power of practical integrity

Powers of the Earth, be with us this night, bring your blessing to this rite

I call on Spirit and Ether to be, surrounding us with integrity

May all magic manifest as it should, and may all be for the Highest Good

And with the power of three times three, as the Goddess wills it so Mote it Be

Our circle is cast, Our circle is cast

With all sacred energies. Future and Past

Our circle is cast, Our circle is cast

As we stand in the center of Future and Past

Imbolc (Candlemas Song), 2004 Lisa Thiel

Blessed Bridget comest thou in

Bless this house and all of our kin

Bless this house, and all of our kin

Protect this house and all within

Blessed Bridget come into thy bed

With a gem at thy heart and a crown on thy head

Awaken the fire within our souls

Awaken the fire that makes us whole

Blessed Bridget, queen of the fire

Help us to manifest our desire

May we bring forth all that’s good and fine

May we give birth to our dreams in time

Blessed Bridget comest thou in

Bless this house and all of our kin

From the source of Infinite Light

Kindle the flame of our spirits tonight

Ostara (Spring Song), 2003 Lisa Thiel


Praise to the Spring, Praise to all living things

Praise to the Maiden and the joy that she brings

Praise to the Earth let all her creatures now sing

Hope is renewed with the coming of the Spring

We turn from the darkness and the wise Crone within

We turn to the Maiden and creation begins

It’s a time for things growing and time now for flowing

A time now for sowing the seeds of your dreams.


The heart fires are stirring with the new life returning

Its time now for learning what rebirth truly means

We honor ourselves and all the faeries and elves

May we dance and ring bells for the coming of the Spring!


So open your heart to natures wondrous art.

Its time now to start the Healing of the Green.

Young rabbits abound and there’s flowers all around

The air is filled with the Sound of the Coming of the Spring!


Beltane (Lord & Lady Song), 2004 Lisa Thiel

On the full Moon in May

As One the Lord and the Lady

Tonight’s the Eve of Holy Beltane

As One the Lord and the Lady

Chorus 1:

Beltane Night Full Moon Bright

Sacred visions bless our sight

Lord and Lady merge as One

As One the Lord and the Lady

Creative Passions Bursting Forth

As One the Lord and the Lady

Leads us back to the Source

As One the Lord and the Lady

Chorus 2:

As the Lovers Sweetly Entwine

Filled together with a Bliss Divine

Joined together in Heart and Mind

As One the Lord and the Lady

Great Mother Gives Birth to all things

As One the Lord and the Lady

Blessing All with the Bounty She Brings

As One the Lord and the Lady

(Chorus 1)

All things ripen and grow

As One the Lord and the Lady

Abundance in Eternal Flow

As One the Lord and the Lady

(Chorus 2)

On the full moon in May

As One the Lord and the Lady

Tonight’s the Eve of Holy Beltane

As One the Lord and the Lady

(Chorus 1)

Litha (Summer Solstice Song), 2004 Lisa Thiel

I am the fire that burns within your soul

I am the Holy light that fills and makes you whole

I am the Flame within, that never dies

I am the sun that will ever arise


Power of the Sun we honor you this night

We leap across the fire to keep our spirits bright

Power of the Sun, fire in the night

We leave behind, that which blinds, to restore our sight

I am the fire that clears away the old

I am the holy light that guides you to your soul

I am the Flame Of Love for which you yearn

I am the sun that will always return

Lammas Song, 2004 Lisa Thiel

Give thanks for the blessings, give thanks for the lessons

Give thanks for all that the Goddess Provides

Give thanks for this showing our dreams are now growing

Give thanks for the presence of the Goddess in our lives


Thank You, Thank you, O Great Mother Thank You…

With the first Green Corn our dreams are now taking form

We ask for the strength to see the true harvest born

Mother of the Corn, of Hoof, and of Horn

We thank you for the Bounty you’ve brought to our door


Mother of the Grain, of the Sun and of the Rain

We pray for an abundant Harvest again

We give thanks for the Blessings, give thanks for the lessons

We give thanks for all that the Goddess Provides


Mabon (Autumn Equinox), 2004 Lisa Thiel

O now is the time of the Harvest,

As we draw near to the years end

Now is the time of Mabon

Autumn is the time to descend

Old Woman waits patiently for us

At the threshold of the labyrinth within

She offers her hand that we may understand

The treasures that await at journey’s end

O Great Mother has given of Her body,

We give thanks for Her fruit and Her grain

We then clear the fields so that next harvest’s yields

Will be full and abundant again.

Old Woman leads us through the darkness

Our most ancient and trusted of friends

She carries the light of spiritual insight

And leads us to our wisdom once again

And as we journey through the darkness

And as we continue to descend

We learn to let go of what obscures our soul

And re-discover our true being in the end

Samhain, 2003 Lisa Thiel

Samhain, Samhain, let the ritual begin,

We call upon our sacred ancestors to come in

Samhain, Samhain, we call upon our kin,

We call upon our dear departed loved ones to come in

The Veil between the worlds is thin

Our hearts reach cross the sea of time

To bring our loved ones in

Samhain, Samhain we honor all our kin

We honor those who’ve gone before

As the Great Wheel turns again

Samhain, Samhain we call upon our kin

We call upon our Sacred Ancestors to come in

Samhain, Samhain we call them to come in

We call upon our dear departed loved ones to come in

Winter Solstice Song, 2004 Lisa Thiel


Enter the night and you’ll find the light,

That will carry you to your dreams.

Enter the night, let your spirit take flight,

In the field of infinite possibilities

On the longest night we search for the light,

And we find it deep within.

Open your eyes to embrace what is wise,

And see the light of your own soul shining.


Wrap up in the cloak of starry darkness my child,

And you’ll find the center of all things.

For from this space of the deepest dark place,

Life Eternal does spring.


So when you find that spark

When you dream in the dark,

Hold it close to your heart and know.

All that you see is all that can be

When you give birth to the dreams of your soul.


Hail & Farewell (Circle Closing Song), 2004 Lisa Thiel

Hail and Farewell!

Hail and Farewell!

May All Four Quarters Now Depart

Or stay if They Will

Hail and Farewell!

Hail and Farewell!

The Circle Now is Open

Yet Unbroken Still

Hail and Farewell!

Hail and Farewell!

Merry Meet and Merry Part

And Fare Thee Well!!
