Posted by sacreddream - October 21st, 2012

                                                                                                 I received this lovely email from a woman  artist in the Netherlands . Here are some photos of her painting , please visit her website  to  view more of her artwork .
“More than a year ago, I was wearing a beautiful green dress, while I was singing a song of mine in a small group, called ‘the Goddess in you’. A friend of mine who was part of this meeting, told me, that I reminded her of a beautiful song she knew. She shared the song with me, …it was a song of yours: “The Spirit of the Plants”. Immediately this song touched my heart. And I saw images in front of me, while hearing this song. It inspired me this much, that I painted it. I have been painting since I am a child. Now I am 34 years old. It took me a year to finish the painting (1,00 x 1,40 meters big). Searching, feeling, breathing colours and forms. The painting grew together with me, with my inner healing journey I was making that year. The painting and me developed a real transformation. This painting has become one of my most favorite paintings. It feels sacred to me. It has this special energy, just like your song. Your song “The Spirit of the Plants” and my painting feel like one. Your song gives more depth to my painting and my painting gives an extra view to your song. ”

With love,

Bianca van Luxzenburg,
the Netherlands

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One Response to “Spirit of the Plants painted by a fan”

  1. Helfire

    what a beautiful painting for a beautiful Song, i saw this Painting in Real and it does have a lot of energy, specialy when playing the song that belongs to this painting.

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